With digital platforms like Google and Facebook overhauling the Australian media landscape, the ACCC Chairman Rod Sims has launched an inquiry into these changes to assess the impact of these platforms on the quality and range of news supplied to Australian consumers.

Joining an international cohort exerting increased pressure on tech giants, Mr Sims said the ACCC are particularly interested in the extent to which these platforms curate their content. Understanding the business models of digital platforms and how they operate “behind the scenes”, the ACCC wants to look at whether there needs to be greater transparency of where the content is derived from.

Considering the longer term impacts of digital platforms on the financial sustainability of traditional media, the inquiry will shed light on the current media and advertising markets, as well as the evolving behaviour of consumers in searching and receiving news in Australia. The ACCC is seeking submissions by 3 April 2018 from consumers, media organisations, digital platforms, advertising agencies and advertisers. In particular, they are seeking feedback on whether consumers understand what data is being collected about them, how this information is sued and how the use of algorithms affect news presentation for digital platform users.

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